Saturday, 20 December 2014

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Gods Own JunkYard

With the passing of Chris Bracey from Prostate Cancer and a recent visit to the amazing place In Walthamstow seeing the amazing  Neons created by Chris Bracey I wanted to commemorate his life and work.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Collage 2014

 I have a collection of magazines and from Gay erotic to Home and Garden, So I have been looking at ways of bringing them together and experimenting with collage. Changing scale and replacing objects with carious body parts. I have been looking at the work Of Richard Hamilton more current artist Jay cloth

Hanging your dirty laundry on the line 10th November 2014

Sewing on to pants that have been used and are close to being thrown away I drew faces of people on the Jeremy Kyle show and added text. I want to play with the idea of trash T.V and the individuals who scream and shout at each other. Is this programme as abusive as the abuse already received by most of the people on the show or does it in fact show a strong sense of victims fighting back and taking control of their lives ? 

Current work

Having recently built a studio I want to create a body of work that becomes the studio rather than work that exist in the space. Looking at artist like Shinro Ohtake @ the parasol unit &

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Out & about with Rebecca Molloy x

Went to Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery to see  Nicola Samori

 These powerful images of biblical and classical beauty. Beautifully painted and then ripped apart to question the fragility of life love and religion. The viscosity of the paint adds a modern twist as it oozes from the ripped or cut canvas giving the painting another dimension and a contemporary feel. Just like the absurd idea that red wine represents the blood of christ and the bread his flesh the paint which spills from these cuts are as layered and compelling. Yet the blood, flesh and skin congeal into the abstract questioning whats real and whats make believe.

Next stop the Sunday art fair which everybody at Chelsea was raving about last year was flat and lacking in lustre. Most of the work felt badly made and not even to the point of being good but there was a feeling of pretension in the works being shown Although these works were interesting 

 Shame I could not work out who the artist is or the gallery but if anyone knows I would be interested in finding out more about the artist.

Studio Volitare also stuck out as showing work by Laura Aldridge who's work was playful and fun with assemblages of many different materials 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Life Drawing class @ Middlesex University

 My first job as a life model. Thanks to Matthew Randel. Aldous the tutor was really cool and despite a light exploding had fun doing it.
 Just before a break my eyes went funny and I had a bit of a wobble but apart from that It went well and I was able to hold the pose.

 Matthew Randel sketches