Friday, 30 May 2014

Tin Cans

I discovered Andy Hazell in a book showing small craft projects. I often admired Andy Hazell small tin sculpture 'Berlin'    a so after visiting Berlin recently and with the birthday of my partner coming up I decided to have a go and build something inspired by the two things that Dave likes London and the Zoo...

 I set about collecting tin cans and ventured on my bike hoping to find the odd tin can. I only had to travel as far as Leyton and found my quarry.  Having collected enough tins I was ready to go after a couple of dire attempts, I quickly found my with the material and started to build my set.
Thinking more about the material and it being cheap and often discarded. On my way to Chelsea catching the Overground train from Leytonstone High Road, I have become aware of all the tin cans thrown in the street. Near the station by the arches.
Then I discovered just of the street a dumping ground it's only 2 min away from where I walk to the tube most days. yet it feels like a million miles away, Making me itch just thinking about it...
I collected one black bag full and became aware of the horrors that might have been inflicted on these cans... Dog piss, human piss and other bodily fluids. The brain really does run away with you when doing something out of your comfort zone?
Once I got them home they went straight into the garden and I washed them occasionally finding things them cigarette buts a snail that had grown inside and could not get out...
They have to stay out side until I have cleaned and opened them all to prevent nasty things coming into the house.


 I'm going to have a think about what to do next and idea is to make a large puppet...

I thinking that I want to make something big and that when moved it changes its form...

 Had a play with the photography and much happier with the results...

I included Tower Bridge at the back a Hippo at the front and an Elephant to the right, with the cable cars hovering overhead and A District line train to the left with a fox over looking the district line.

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